I find it ironic Craig that this excellent article about Cointelpro gets comments right off the bat by two Cointelpro agents that attempt immediately to derail the discussion onto disinformation tropes such as DEW's and nukes. Of course your article has nothing to do with either of those topics. Maybe that is the point. I quote your articles last point regarding how agents behave:
"· People who claim to be truthers who distract from good evidence by pushing extreme and unfounded theories; "
In case there are any doubts about who I am accusing of derailing the discussion, I am talking about 911 Revisionist and Maxwell C. Bridges. If you look at their pattern of posting on your blog Craig I think you will see clearly that they try on almost every single article to derail the discussion onto their disinformation tropes DEW's and Nukes. Go back and look, they are almost always among the very first commenters and they rarely if ever actually address the topic of the article they are commenting on. I personally believe they are paid Cointelpro agents or perhaps sock puppets of the same paid agent. They have been assigned to you Craig so that must mean that you are doing something right. You don't get flak until you are over the target right?
"I find it ironic this excellent article about Cointelpro gets comments right off the bat by two Cointelpro agents that attempt immediately to derail the discussion onto disinformation tropes such as DEW's and nukes.... In case there are any doubts about who I am accusing of derailing the discussion, I am talking about 911 Revisionist and Maxwell C. Bridges."
What I find ironic is that you wrote that on March 25, while my first comment to this substack article is today (March 29) and this very comment. Are you pulling a "Minority Report" (Tom Cruise movie reference) "pre-crime" ploy?
Mr. Ruff, you call me out by name for an offense that all latter-day lurker readers will see at a glance that I DID NOT COMMIT. However, you are correct in calling out 9/11 Revisionist for his Chat-GPT bot efforts. [His bot-ish emails to me are no different.]
But seeing how YOU broached the subject of 9/11 nuclear devices and YOU called me out by name, YOU just made it fair game and on-topic. BRAVO, old chap!
Here is a link to my recent (2024-03-21) presentation to Boston 9/11 Truth that I tried to make you aware of. Because I know you don't like emails from me and have me blocked in most places including substack and Facebook, I asked Mr. McKee to personally see that you were aware of this milestone event.
I see this happen with every post I make. There is always an excuse for mentioning nukes or DEW. I'm glad you pointed out the latest example. I've removed a number of off-topic comments posted today. I wonder if I have to make a rule about certain topics. Or do I just delete on a case by case basis. Substack doesn't allow me to cut part of a comment out, so it's possible for a commenter to make reference to the subject of the article and then to add a bunch of other stuff.
I think in this particular case it may be best to leave the comments up as a real time illustration of Cointelpro tactics being used to disrupt a discussion about Cointelpro tactics. See my point?
I am not interested in your disinformation. I am going to just ignore you since I know you will never ever stop due to your OCD issues. By the way your attempts to bait me into anger are amateurish at best. I would have to respect you first before your insults would have any effect on me and since I don't respect you...
I get so annoyed at the term conspiracy theory being used as derogatory. Anyone who I actually engage in this conversation with, my main points are that the level of corruption in government and big business cannot be understated at this point, regardless of which party is in charge. Therefore, your best bet is to assume everything is a lie, because it's a continual attempt to protect their corruption from exposure.
If it makes me a big bad conspiracy theorist that I disbelieve the most corrupt world governments the history of the world has ever known, then so be it. You're a f'ing idiot if you believe everything you're told.
And another thing on censorship. The truth does not need protection through censorship. Only lies do. The truth can stand up to logical attacks if it is the truth. Lies cannot. So if something is being censored, the odds are 99.999999% that it's an inconvenient truth for those doing the censoring.
The main job of the government and intelligence agencies is to protect themselves, to grow their budgets and their power. They do this through lying about everything and creating more and bigger problems that the public agrees need to be solved. And of course it's an unwritten rule that only the government can solve problems, even though they never have and only ever make them worse by design. After all, if a problem were solved, the budget used to fix it would disappear. If the problem were made worse, the budget would increase. Therefore, the government always makes problems worse on purpose. I don't know how anyone could possibly argue against this logic.
What Craig needs to realise is, that he himself has fallen for the COINTELPRO.
Craig wrote an article in 2012, which he yet has to fully address, I wonder why the delay? Some more articles on the whole "9/11 truther movement" being full of COINTELPRO agents.
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
I wrote a piece two years about about how the mainstream media use the "conspiracy theory" trope to quash dissent. You might find it interesting. https://www.ae911truth.org/news/849
Craig - You ever considered that you've fallen for the COINTELPRO agents?
It seems you might realise that and just keep mum about it, no?
With regards to the technology used on 9/11, you are missing the bigger picture!
Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.
Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".
Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.
Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.
And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.
You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.
In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up.
There is only BLUFF!
Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!
Why have you buried your head in the sand for the lat 12 years after writing your article, "THE JUDY WOOD ENIGMA: A DISCUSSION - A POLARIZING FIGURE IN 9/11 RESEARCH".
Right on cue here you are to derail the conversation about the cointelpro program onto the directed energy weapon topic. Why is that? Hmm let me think about why a person might want to derail a discussion like this one. I will get back to you agent Revisionist, oops Freudian slip there, I meant to say honest and sincere truther... LOL.
So unfounded charges require no response. I see nothing in your DEW disinformation that is founded on anything other than hot air. Judy Wood is a crack pot and her theory is a load of crap. You fell for it only because you have no discernment or you are a paid disinformation agent. In either case I want nothing to do with you. You and Maxwell C. Bridges are two peas in a pod both pushing disinformation tropes that go nowhere. That is the point right?
I have not had my head buried in the sand. I have made a choice not to get involved in a debate that I don't think leads anywhere productive. My position is that we know the buildings were brought down with some kind of explosive force, that they didn't come down because of plane impacts and fires. You are free to focus on the question of the technology used, but I don't see the value in this. And the whole "we need to expose this technology to the world to fight the elites" just doesn't do it for me. I want to expose the 9/11 false flag to the world and what you're talking about will not help me do that. And I've never heard a strong case made for focusing on this.
Oh look how 911 Revisionist and Maxwell C. Bridges are now having an "argument" about DEW's and nukes? Hmm interesting isn't it? Oh wait a second, this article is about Cointelpro not DEW's or nukes right? I wonder then how this seemingly spontaneous "argument" has broken out already between these "two" entities? Are they actually one person using sock puppet accounts to create this derailing "argument"? Who knows, they/he/she will deny it of course and protest their innocence. One things is for sure though neither one of them is talking about your article Craig.
Thank you - I have encountered some of these tactics. I was personally slandered within a 9/11 group. As far as I could tell, the rumors centered around me as a woman. I went out to (platonic) dinner once with a 9/11 activist, after which the rumor campaign apparently started.
For years now, I've had to deal with in-person harassment also. It's still going on. It involves what Tarpley called “surveillance role players." From my limited research and FOIA attempts, I think the quote from Tarpley is correct as far as the government entities behind the harassment. There's a fusion center in a town not far from where I live. Some private companies that receive federal money participate as well. For instance, I discovered a local company owns and leases some of the vehicles driven by harassers. This company receives funding from the GSA. At this point, there are probably many small companies making money from these activities across the USA.
What Craig needs to realise is, that he himself has fallen for the COINTELPRO.
Craig wrote an article in 2012, which he yet has to fully address, I wonder why the delay? Some more articles on the whole "9/11 truther movement" being full of COINTELPRO agents.
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
Thank you for this crucial information, Craig. The psychopathic tyrants will go to extreme lengths to hold onto their perceived power. And in that category, unfortunately, are their cush-job-keeping career clown "experts" who will, for example, denounce vaxxes with plenty of corroborating and/or correlational evidence, but they refuse to openly point to the 10 million pound elephant in the room, germ theory. Why? Because even *questioning* it would likely end their career as they know it. Are these "experts" actually plants, or are they just fearful? Their popularity and lasting power in the fake truther community may provide the answer. The secret agencies know full well that the average person, as you say, has learned to not question the narrative outside of accepted mainstream discussion. Ah, the incrementalism.
that the masses are to taught to accept as truth because they said so, and they back it up with more propaganda disguised slight-of-hand scientific “proof”.
What Craig needs to realise is, that he himself has fallen for the COINTELPRO.
Craig wrote an article in 2012, which he yet has to fully address, I wonder why the delay? Some more articles on the whole "9/11 truther movement" being full of COINTELPRO agents.
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
How many hundreds of times are you going to post and repost the same links? Do you think we didn't see it the first hundred times or do you get paid per post?
I find it ironic Craig that this excellent article about Cointelpro gets comments right off the bat by two Cointelpro agents that attempt immediately to derail the discussion onto disinformation tropes such as DEW's and nukes. Of course your article has nothing to do with either of those topics. Maybe that is the point. I quote your articles last point regarding how agents behave:
"· People who claim to be truthers who distract from good evidence by pushing extreme and unfounded theories; "
In case there are any doubts about who I am accusing of derailing the discussion, I am talking about 911 Revisionist and Maxwell C. Bridges. If you look at their pattern of posting on your blog Craig I think you will see clearly that they try on almost every single article to derail the discussion onto their disinformation tropes DEW's and Nukes. Go back and look, they are almost always among the very first commenters and they rarely if ever actually address the topic of the article they are commenting on. I personally believe they are paid Cointelpro agents or perhaps sock puppets of the same paid agent. They have been assigned to you Craig so that must mean that you are doing something right. You don't get flak until you are over the target right?
Dear Mr. Adam Ruff, You wrote:
"I find it ironic this excellent article about Cointelpro gets comments right off the bat by two Cointelpro agents that attempt immediately to derail the discussion onto disinformation tropes such as DEW's and nukes.... In case there are any doubts about who I am accusing of derailing the discussion, I am talking about 911 Revisionist and Maxwell C. Bridges."
What I find ironic is that you wrote that on March 25, while my first comment to this substack article is today (March 29) and this very comment. Are you pulling a "Minority Report" (Tom Cruise movie reference) "pre-crime" ploy?
Mr. Ruff, you call me out by name for an offense that all latter-day lurker readers will see at a glance that I DID NOT COMMIT. However, you are correct in calling out 9/11 Revisionist for his Chat-GPT bot efforts. [His bot-ish emails to me are no different.]
But seeing how YOU broached the subject of 9/11 nuclear devices and YOU called me out by name, YOU just made it fair game and on-topic. BRAVO, old chap!
Here is a link to my recent (2024-03-21) presentation to Boston 9/11 Truth that I tried to make you aware of. Because I know you don't like emails from me and have me blocked in most places including substack and Facebook, I asked Mr. McKee to personally see that you were aware of this milestone event.
Please give the video a watch. A milestone event for me.
I see this happen with every post I make. There is always an excuse for mentioning nukes or DEW. I'm glad you pointed out the latest example. I've removed a number of off-topic comments posted today. I wonder if I have to make a rule about certain topics. Or do I just delete on a case by case basis. Substack doesn't allow me to cut part of a comment out, so it's possible for a commenter to make reference to the subject of the article and then to add a bunch of other stuff.
It seems you don't have answers for the questions Craig - come now...
Been waiting 12 years for an answer to your article - Here it is again:
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
I think in this particular case it may be best to leave the comments up as a real time illustration of Cointelpro tactics being used to disrupt a discussion about Cointelpro tactics. See my point?
O, Adam - My dear little Adam - It's been 12 years since Craig wrote this article and he still has no answers.
Been waiting 12 years for an answer to your article - Here it is again:
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
I am not interested in your disinformation. I am going to just ignore you since I know you will never ever stop due to your OCD issues. By the way your attempts to bait me into anger are amateurish at best. I would have to respect you first before your insults would have any effect on me and since I don't respect you...
Nah, come join me Saturday - Let's do a live discussion - Your balls big enough? https://youtube.com/live/qWnFRti4UU0
I get so annoyed at the term conspiracy theory being used as derogatory. Anyone who I actually engage in this conversation with, my main points are that the level of corruption in government and big business cannot be understated at this point, regardless of which party is in charge. Therefore, your best bet is to assume everything is a lie, because it's a continual attempt to protect their corruption from exposure.
If it makes me a big bad conspiracy theorist that I disbelieve the most corrupt world governments the history of the world has ever known, then so be it. You're a f'ing idiot if you believe everything you're told.
And another thing on censorship. The truth does not need protection through censorship. Only lies do. The truth can stand up to logical attacks if it is the truth. Lies cannot. So if something is being censored, the odds are 99.999999% that it's an inconvenient truth for those doing the censoring.
The main job of the government and intelligence agencies is to protect themselves, to grow their budgets and their power. They do this through lying about everything and creating more and bigger problems that the public agrees need to be solved. And of course it's an unwritten rule that only the government can solve problems, even though they never have and only ever make them worse by design. After all, if a problem were solved, the budget used to fix it would disappear. If the problem were made worse, the budget would increase. Therefore, the government always makes problems worse on purpose. I don't know how anyone could possibly argue against this logic.
What Craig needs to realise is, that he himself has fallen for the COINTELPRO.
Craig wrote an article in 2012, which he yet has to fully address, I wonder why the delay? Some more articles on the whole "9/11 truther movement" being full of COINTELPRO agents.
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
Warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth of what really happened on 9/11
A War Room... Or a padded playroom, a safe space?
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/cowards-for-911-truth
Participation in the 9/11 "WarRoom"
A quick update on warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/participation-in-the-911-warroom
TAP Dancing Away From 9/11 Truth?
The only way to get to truth is to take ACTION!
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/tap-dancing-away-from-911-truth
Psychology of resistance to truth about 911
Well said. I agree.
I wrote a piece two years about about how the mainstream media use the "conspiracy theory" trope to quash dissent. You might find it interesting. https://www.ae911truth.org/news/849
Craig - You ever considered that you've fallen for the COINTELPRO agents?
It seems you might realise that and just keep mum about it, no?
With regards to the technology used on 9/11, you are missing the bigger picture!
Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.
Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".
Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.
Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.
And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.
You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.
In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up.
There is only BLUFF!
Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.
Most of the answers here: https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com
Why have you buried your head in the sand for the lat 12 years after writing your article, "THE JUDY WOOD ENIGMA: A DISCUSSION - A POLARIZING FIGURE IN 9/11 RESEARCH".
My take on your 2012 article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
Since then, no one to this day has been able to refute anything she presents...
After all Gage was refuted in 2008, 2011 and again in 2023 a couple of times already:
Read the article: REFUTATION OF GAGE'S GAME, by Elsa Schieder, PhD - https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/dr-judy-wood-refutation-of-gages-game
You can download Refutation of Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023:
Let me know when we can schedule a friendly chat over Skype...
We have a lot to talk about with regards to the PentaCon, now that I've made contact with Adam Eisenberg. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/my-experience-at-the-pentagon-on-9-11-with-adam-eisenberg/id1536808571?i=1000601271537
In search for 9/11 accountability
Right on cue here you are to derail the conversation about the cointelpro program onto the directed energy weapon topic. Why is that? Hmm let me think about why a person might want to derail a discussion like this one. I will get back to you agent Revisionist, oops Freudian slip there, I meant to say honest and sincere truther... LOL.
O Adam, stop projecting...
Psychology of resistance to truth about 911
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/psychology-of-resistance-to-truth
Sept 11, 2001: Power, Patterns and Identification.
Your perception of WHAT happened on 9/11 is being managed.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/sept-11-2001-power-patterns-and-identification
How about you stop trying to derail the discussion instead agent Revisionist?
How about you come to terms that you have no critical thinking skills and that you are actually part of the COINTELPRO yourself?
Been waiting 12 years for an answer to your article - Here it is again:
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
Warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth of what really happened on 9/11
A War Room... Or a padded playroom, a safe space?
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/cowards-for-911-truth
Participation in the 9/11 "WarRoom"
A quick update on warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/participation-in-the-911-warroom
TAP Dancing Away From 9/11 Truth?
The only way to get to truth is to take ACTION!
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/tap-dancing-away-from-911-truth
Psychology of resistance to truth about 911
An email discussion with Fran Shur & Marti Hopper, psychologists
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/psychology-of-resistance-to-truth
Come on - I welcome you to come into the comment sections - Put on your dancing shoes... Come show me how brave you are.
So unfounded charges require no response. I see nothing in your DEW disinformation that is founded on anything other than hot air. Judy Wood is a crack pot and her theory is a load of crap. You fell for it only because you have no discernment or you are a paid disinformation agent. In either case I want nothing to do with you. You and Maxwell C. Bridges are two peas in a pod both pushing disinformation tropes that go nowhere. That is the point right?
O, what a laugh you are...
You, Craig and the rest of the wannabe's, if you all add your expertise, have nothing on Dr Wood.
Craig and YOU have had 12 years, and still could NOT debunk the EVIDENCE, the conclusive body of evidence she presents.
Come now - A new generation is coming to challenge you - Waiting for you to get past ad hominems and actually discuss what she presented.
Can you?
EVERYONE I've challenged, ran away with their tails between their legs...
Will you be the next one?
Here is your warning - https://911revision.substack.com/p/psychology-of-resistance-to-truth
I have not had my head buried in the sand. I have made a choice not to get involved in a debate that I don't think leads anywhere productive. My position is that we know the buildings were brought down with some kind of explosive force, that they didn't come down because of plane impacts and fires. You are free to focus on the question of the technology used, but I don't see the value in this. And the whole "we need to expose this technology to the world to fight the elites" just doesn't do it for me. I want to expose the 9/11 false flag to the world and what you're talking about will not help me do that. And I've never heard a strong case made for focusing on this.
Oh look how 911 Revisionist and Maxwell C. Bridges are now having an "argument" about DEW's and nukes? Hmm interesting isn't it? Oh wait a second, this article is about Cointelpro not DEW's or nukes right? I wonder then how this seemingly spontaneous "argument" has broken out already between these "two" entities? Are they actually one person using sock puppet accounts to create this derailing "argument"? Who knows, they/he/she will deny it of course and protest their innocence. One things is for sure though neither one of them is talking about your article Craig.
12 years, cupcake - https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
Thank you - I have encountered some of these tactics. I was personally slandered within a 9/11 group. As far as I could tell, the rumors centered around me as a woman. I went out to (platonic) dinner once with a 9/11 activist, after which the rumor campaign apparently started.
For years now, I've had to deal with in-person harassment also. It's still going on. It involves what Tarpley called “surveillance role players." From my limited research and FOIA attempts, I think the quote from Tarpley is correct as far as the government entities behind the harassment. There's a fusion center in a town not far from where I live. Some private companies that receive federal money participate as well. For instance, I discovered a local company owns and leases some of the vehicles driven by harassers. This company receives funding from the GSA. At this point, there are probably many small companies making money from these activities across the USA.
Thank you for bringing attention to this.
What Craig needs to realise is, that he himself has fallen for the COINTELPRO.
Craig wrote an article in 2012, which he yet has to fully address, I wonder why the delay? Some more articles on the whole "9/11 truther movement" being full of COINTELPRO agents.
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
Warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth of what really happened on 9/11
A War Room... Or a padded playroom, a safe space?
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/cowards-for-911-truth
Participation in the 9/11 "WarRoom"
A quick update on warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/participation-in-the-911-warroom
TAP Dancing Away From 9/11 Truth?
The only way to get to truth is to take ACTION!
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/tap-dancing-away-from-911-truth
Psychology of resistance to truth about 911
Perhaps you are a targeted individual? The program is real and you may be one of the victims of it.
Yes possibly. I've spoken to three other people who are experiencing similar harassment.
Thank you for reading the piece and for your comment. I'm sorry to hear that you've been harassed in this way.
Thank you for this crucial information, Craig. The psychopathic tyrants will go to extreme lengths to hold onto their perceived power. And in that category, unfortunately, are their cush-job-keeping career clown "experts" who will, for example, denounce vaxxes with plenty of corroborating and/or correlational evidence, but they refuse to openly point to the 10 million pound elephant in the room, germ theory. Why? Because even *questioning* it would likely end their career as they know it. Are these "experts" actually plants, or are they just fearful? Their popularity and lasting power in the fake truther community may provide the answer. The secret agencies know full well that the average person, as you say, has learned to not question the narrative outside of accepted mainstream discussion. Ah, the incrementalism.
Thank you, Sharine. And I agree that we have been conditioned not to ask questions.
Education = Indoctrination + Brainwashing
that the masses are to taught to accept as truth because they said so, and they back it up with more propaganda disguised slight-of-hand scientific “proof”.
What Craig needs to realise is, that he himself has fallen for the COINTELPRO.
Craig wrote an article in 2012, which he yet has to fully address, I wonder why the delay? Some more articles on the whole "9/11 truther movement" being full of COINTELPRO agents.
9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics
Warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth of what really happened on 9/11
A War Room... Or a padded playroom, a safe space?
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/cowards-for-911-truth
Participation in the 9/11 "WarRoom"
A quick update on warring AGAINST free speech, open discourse and the truth
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/participation-in-the-911-warroom
TAP Dancing Away From 9/11 Truth?
The only way to get to truth is to take ACTION!
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/tap-dancing-away-from-911-truth
Psychology of resistance to truth about 911
An email discussion with Fran Shur & Marti Hopper, psychologists
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/psychology-of-resistance-to-truth
I welcome you to come into the comment section.
How many hundreds of times are you going to post and repost the same links? Do you think we didn't see it the first hundred times or do you get paid per post?
O, sweetie - Your bullshit has been debunked so many times, every comment you make is a comical relief...
Tick tock, tick tock - It's been 12 years and counting - https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics