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Dave Smith did a good job shredding Chris Cuomo's excuses, and exposing the fact that basic human rights as well as Constitutional rights were violated. However, the narrative he put forth keeps us vulnerable to such measures in the future if they are posed as being less onerous than what was done in '21. If you only question the specific countermeasures which were implemented, but don't question the core of the story, the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative, we are still vulnerable to being faced with mandatory tests and offered "alternative treatments" (such as the Big Pharma product Ivermectin) for something not proven to exist.

There was no "Pandemic." There were no excess deaths on a global level in 2020, before the jabs began Such deaths were lijmited to specific nations. Within those nations, they were limited to specific areas, e.g. certain US states such as New York or certain regions in Italy such as Lombardy. Within these, only specific locales were affected, e.g. parts of the New York City metro area, or Bergamo in Lombardy. And within these, they were focused in medical care facilities, and among those very elderly (age 78 and up individuals who had multiple morbidity factors.

No unique disease with unique symptoms, called "COVID-19," could ever be established. Health authorities around the world, be they CDC, WHO, Health Canada, Cochrane Institute, UK's NHS,... have in the end stated that the only way to distinguish this alleged disease from other respiratory ailments of any cause was via tests such as the RT-PCR. These tests do not diagnose disease, or find any organism, they only find genetic sequences or proteins alleged to be associated with such organisms. They can accurately find say certain fungi in a batch of wine because the DNA of such fungi has been identified via physically isolating and purifying the fungi and then extracting genetic material from it. If this isn't done with the microorganism, then the test used cannot be validated.

And this cannot be done with SARS-CoV-2 because the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been physically isolated and purified. The only genomes which are available are entirely computer constructs, entities assembled from numerous short segments of genetic material, translated into computer language (you just need 4 letters, A, C, G and T) and stitched together via various software programs such as BLAST. All that's available are computer files filled with code. This has been admitted by 223 (and counting) public health entities around the world responding to FOIA requests from Toronto area resident Christine Massey and her team of colleagues. You can see her Substack, christinemasseyfois.

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