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Dear Mr. McKee, Through the mist and connecting the many dots of Zionist-Israel history, I have to say that the trend line through 9/11 -- with dancing Israeli's and a horde of them being deported by plane before police questioning, etc. -- affords the objective into considering their much deeper involvement.

Yes, indeed I have to write it: the boots-to-the-ground operation at the WTC has Mossad fingerprints, whether or not my FGNW hobby-horse is considered. But actually, almost more so when it is. Israel has long been a nuclear country but immune from any type of nuclear oversight or inspection to verify compliance with international laws.

An analogy from me being a landlord with a problem tenant who was responsible for some damage at the end of the lease, rather than deducting from the security deposit, I paid it to her in full so that she'd have no issues with me and no further reason to contact me.

It is as if all of the other nations on the planet (at the time of 9/11) knew that some bat-shit-crazy state-level actors orchestrated 9/11 including dive-bombing the Pentagon and leveling structures using state-of-the-art nuclear means, to which they were going to balderdash bold-face lie about. And ain't nobody of consequence going to question it, because -- like a bad tenant -- get out of Israel's way when it gives the list to PNAC and others of the countries near Israel who should be leveled to the stone-age so resources can be looted and a central bank established.

When we observe the wonders of AIPAC in getting this new anti-semitic law passed so questions can be avoided about Israeli's behavior, when we remember the USS Liberty, when we consider Epstein, then by golly it isn't so far-fetched that the 9/11 FGNW were deployed. Israel doesn't care, except to poke the big US bear into doing Israel's bidding.

P.S. Mr. Ted Walter got back to me last week. Said IC911 is working on it (with regards to my submission on FGNW) and will respond soon. Also, DEW is a topic for this Thursday's Boston 9/11 Truth. Sending out the vibrations to convert Woodsian-DEWers into FGNW disciples.


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