When will you be expanding on "The assassination of a movement: the rats appear…" - https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics

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Dear Mr. Adam Ruff wrote to Mr. McKee: "I want to block Maxwell C. Bridges permanently... I refuse to read his posts from this point forward."

Such closed-mindedness. Such "cognitive disonance." Such fear. Such stellar examples of the level of Mr. Ruff's objectivity. A re-occuring theme whereby Mr. Ruff thinks the best book reports come from not having read the book in question (Kevin Ryan, Dr. Judy Wood, Dr. Andre Gsponer).

Mr. Ruff continued: "personally I think [Maxwell C. Bridges] will prove to be poison for your blog just the way he has been all along on other platforms."

If Mr. Ruff truly wants to see 9/11 web poison exemplified, he need look no further than his MVP and cockpuppet, Mr. HybridRogue1.

Mr. Ruff is confused. He has no way of determining whether or not my comments are poison, because he brags and boasts here and historically [URL available upon request] about not reading my comments and skipping right over them.

My hopes and best wishes are for Mr. Ruff to be steadfast in his determination to "refuse to read [MCB's] posts/comments from this point forward." However, he has my permission to cheat and read them anyway; I won't know. Unless Mr. Ruff screws the pooch and replies.

(a) If his reply addresses anything from my comment, it will invalidate his promise to "refuse to read" my comments. This in turn becomes fresh validation for previous accusations of his hypocrisy and dings his integrity.

(b) If his reply doesn't address anything in my comment, it becomes fresh validation for previous accusations of "purposeful and willful ignorance" and most likely is poison in some fashion.

Either way, Mr. Ruff's own words will be the poison eroding his integrity. Any reply Mr. Ruff makes, PWNs himself. A classic move by our "proud high school graduate" to paint himself into a corner. And I'm going to be all "LIHOP" about it, and be making hay from it. And he knows it.

This is neither the time nor corral for my hobby-horse to romp, or to put hoof-prints into Mr. Ruff's agent-buttocks.

But my hobby-horse -- particularly the new COVID-resistent variant -- is what scares Mr. Ruff the most! Which is why, in agent fashion, Mr. Ruff attempts his hypnotic suggestion against Mr. McKee with a drop of poison that MCB should be blocked/banned.

If Mr. Ruff sincerely engages me about my new "Neu Nookie-Doo" on my blog (or other suitable corral) in a "convince me, or let me convince you" rational and logical manner, Mr. Ruff might earn forgiveness. Because I am one (1) person not employed to be promoting his hobby-horse, that activity alone can contain me and any alleged "poison".


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Likely in my next post, which I hope to publish on the weekend.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

When you discover how to block someone on here Craig let me know. I want to see what you write but I want to block Maxwell C. Bridges permanently. I will try to figure it out but I see no obvious method for blocking online stalker/crazy people on this platform. I refuse to read his posts from this point forward. personally I think he will prove to be poison for your blog just the way he has been all along on other platforms. EDIT - I found the way to block so I am all good now thanks.

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Dear Mr. Craig McKee, Very fine article. A dimension that is missing is how far the Zionists have their arms up the asses of (wannabe / current / past) elected officials through AIPAC, other financial means, and Mossad agents Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell's daughters (and many parallel ventures, and where Trump was a wannabe).

Power was exhibited over RFK. Jr. when a snippet of a recorded dinner conversation was cited out of context claiming him antisemetic, when the full recording shows him quoting another source which was a COVID racial study: whites and blacks had the most casualties, and Chinese and A. Jews the least, implying possibly a genetic targeting of the COVID virus beyonds its high transmission rate among humans.

Zionists didn't like that, and totally ambushed RFK at the hearing... Democrats, no less. Worse, many were the same Democrats voting to censor Palestinian Congress Woman.

Because RFK wants to be President, he immediately went into damage control. Had an interview with a Rabbi and proclaimed the long-standing Kennedy family commitment to Israel and gave a nice history. Alas, that history lesson started in 1948, when it should have started at least 50 to 100 years earlier, because it was planned for a while, and all the pressure Zionists exerted across the globe. (Not giving the correct dates for the Israeli origin story is how it gets white-washed into somehow being valid, and allows them to play the victim card over, and over again.)

Alison Weir's "Against Our Better Judgment" is an excellent Kindle read on the subject Isreal's origin story, because it is SHORT and lays it out.

At any rate, to the degree that Russia is documented to have interferred with US elections, it is completely overshadowed by the interference and influence of Zionists/Israel. Has been so. But the level of attempted censorship and blatantly-lying narratives demonstrates the powers it is capable of conjuring.


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That "study" which RFK Jr channeled is completely bogus. Distinguishes "Europeans" from Ashkenazi Jews and Finnswhen in fact there is no genetic basis for such assertions.

October 2013 study: substantial prehistoric European ancestry of many Ashkenazi Jews


The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses

Eran Elhaik Author Notes

Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 61–74, https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evs119

Published: 14 December 2012 Article history


It claims Africans are more vulnerable when the continent of Africa was largely bypassed during the "Pandemic." And claims that Chinese are less vulnerable, as if there is a single Chinese gene, rather than a multitude of genetic ancestries for China's people.

Not to mention there is zero proof that in fact there was a pandemic. An excellent study here regarding Italy, where it all allegedly started.


Italy 2020 – The Preposterous Pandemic, Health Freedom Defense Fund Team, 10/31/23.

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Dear Mr. Jeffrey Strahl, my conspiracy mind wants to attribute my inability to find the report that highlights how Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese were less affected to... Fauci-level censorship (joke)... The reports I come across weren't what RFK was quoting from or what a GOP congressman brought into the record during the censorship hearing. Or if they are, they aren't mentioning specifically Ashkenazi Jews.


The continent of Africa was not largely bypassed during the pandemic. What it was: they are more prone to malaria outbreaks that HCQ is known to combat. When Fauci's policies were removing from shelves HCQ and IVM (with blatantly corruptly disinfo studies), Africans and other nations objected because they needed HCQ still for malaria and were able to serve it up against COVID.

What made the supposedly debunking HCQ/IVM studies disinformation: they didn't apply HCQ until very late in the infection where it wouldn't do any good to alleviate COVID symptoms, and they administered near LETHAL dosages. They got media shaming people for considering "horse-dewormer" when that was just one of the many IVM usages.

There deceit on the COVID pandemic side of things, testing, treatments offered, etc. And there is deceit on the mRNA technology side of things.


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Dear Malcolm. See here.


Fact check: No, RFK, Jr. did not say COVID was an ethnically targeted bioweapon that spared Jews. More Jew Bashing again, “Christine,” 7/17/23.

This is a piece by Mike Adams, It asserts

"The internet is ablaze with a story that claims RFK, Jr. said COVID was an ethnically targeted bioweapon that were engineered to spare Jews and Chinese people. This headline from the NY Post captures the meme that's going wild: "RFK Jr. says COVID was ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews.” The NY Post offers outstanding coverage on many important topics, but for this story, they got it wrong. RFK never actually said that he believed COVID was ethnically targeting certain groups while sparing Jews and Asians. Yet few people actually bother to read what RFK actually stated, which is the following (emphasis added):”

"COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. The races that are most immune to COVID-19 because of the genetic differentials among different races, because of the receptors, the ACE-2 receptor, COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact."

The tweet was at 10:46AM, 7/15/23. Robert F Kennedy Jr, @RobertKennedyJr.

There is no such thing as "COVID." The only way to distinguish this alleged disease, per even WHO,. CDC, NHS,.... is with PCR and other tests, which are labeled "Not for diagnostic purposes," which merely find short sequences of nucleic acid, which are SAID to be from the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, alleged because no one has been able to provide proof for the physical isolation and purification of this alleged virus, in response to FOI requests.

The dependence of "diagnosis" upon tests like the PCR.


The responses to the FOI requests, 218 negative responses from global public health agencies (including the CDC, NHS, Health Canada)...


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Dear Mr. Jeffrey Strahl, I commend you on such an awesome comment for its research and analysis.

What is highlighted though is the Zionist power to create a narrative where Kennedy is saying antisemetic things, so they smear him in the media and all of the related AIPAC splinter investment groups... so badly do they NOT want a Kennedy via-able candidacy.

As the Democratic Party did to Sen. Sanders, smear Kennedy early and knock him out of the game.... And such ass kissing RFK was subjected to performing.

It has been a pleasure reading your response, with a promise from me to follow the rabbit-hole reference links. I have no fundamental disagreement. Thank you for your intelligent participation... Mr. McKee has a way of bringing out the thinkers.


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Dear Malcolm Bridges. You must be unaware of what RFK Jr was saying and *doing*, *well before the "anti Semitic" charges came up. No one forced him to do this!

He visited Israel in 2019, during the Palestinian “Great March of Return,” praising Israel for “stubborn survival” and lauding the Zionist entity for “saving the Jordan.” In early June 2023, , he took part in New York’s “Celebrate Israel Parade,” marching along with pro-Israel zealot Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who wrote about this in Jewish Journal. https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/opinion/359390/israel-and-antisemitism-my-conversation-with-presidential-candidate-robert-kennedy-jr/

Boteach even got Bobby Jr to repudiate his support of former Pink Floyd member/founder Roger Waters over the latter’s support of Julian Assange and his facing antisemitism criminal charges in Germany. "Bobby told me he had no idea that Waters was a vicious antisemite and when he studied the issue and the facts, he immediately deleted the tweet. I believe Bobby and I thank him for his repudiation of Waters. How tragic it is for Waters to have his legacy as an antisemite now overtake his legacy as an accomplished artist.”[This notion that Waters is a “vicious antisemite” is a HUGE LIE!!]

Also in June, https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1668557003763990529


RFK Jr. gets increasingly deranged as he expresses his love for Israel. He begins with pure genocide denial, then says Palestinian are better off living under apartheid, then that Israel has never attacked another country because it is a "model democracy" and hence peace-loving”


Bobby Jr acted as an Israeli apologist, contending that the Israeli armed forces never deliberately target Palestinian civilians, and that the “impasse” (i.e. ethnic cleansing) is the fault of … the Palestinian leadership, be in 1948, 1967, 2001,…

The reality behind Israel’s forces targeting civilians.


Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms, Ali Abunimah, 4/22/18.

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Dear Mr. Jeffrey Stahl, You again amaze with another researched and reason comment that is worthy of further consideration and following of rabbit-hole links.

I have no fundamental disagreement.

Except, my name is "Maxwell Bridges" and not "Malcom Bridges."


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You make numerous excellent points. I hope to expand on several areas you've mentioned in future posts. I have a copy of Weir's book, and it is indeed excellent.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

I don't think Moore is a shill for the Democratic party. Yes, he's a leftist and will always be anti-Republican. The first time I saw the term "____ Derangement Syndrome," it was with Bush. (I was only a teen in the 90s and wasn't following politics much, but don't remember ever hearing of a Clinton Derangement Syndrome.) In fact, around the time Moore made Fahrenheit 9/11 in 2004, MSM pundits wrote that Moore had "Bush Derangement Syndrome."

I'm on his email list. He is extremely critical of Joe Biden especially on the Gaza issue.

I agree with most of what you say overall. It is very perplexing how someone can be so right on one thing and wrong on another, whether it's Chandler (WTC vs Pentagon) or Tulsi (regime change war opposition vs. supporting Israel).

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If Moore has returned to sanity, that's good. But during the Obama and Trump years, he very much appeared to me to be just touting the party line. His criticisms of Bush were valid, but when it came to Trump, he was as off the deep end as many on the liberal side of center. For me to condemn him requires a major reversal from me since I loved Moore and his films at one time. But in my view he became a shameless Democratic shill. And I think that when Trump wins next November, he'll go right back to that.

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Have you seen his 2018 film Fahrenheit 11/9? While it's an anti-Trump movie much as F911 was an anti-Bush movie, he actually comes down very hard on Obama in that film, even arguing that his neo-liberalism lead to Trump. He does a whole section in that film in which he spotlights how Obama gaslighted the people of Flint over the water crisis. How do you think he was off the deep end with his criticisms of Trump? I don't follow Moore's every statement like I did in the 00's when I was going through my Michael Moore phase, but his criticisms of Trump and Trumpism (which is really traditional Republicanism on steroids) have always seemed accurate to me.

While I don't believe Trump will ever win the popular vote (he never has), I'm scared of Trump pulling off another Electoral College win, for sure. Especially with his plummeting support from Arab Americans right now because of his support for war crimes and genocide in Palestine, and fledgling support from other key demographics for various reasons.

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Isn't it the case that anyone with political aspirations has to support the pro-Israel lobby?

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That has been the history for sure. I am a bit surprised that some of the more "progressive" Democrats are willing to criticize Israel, if only mildly.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Tulsi Gabbard went to the WEF school and studied under Klause Schwab which is all we really need to know about her isn't it? The governor of California Gavin Newsom also went to the same school and I can assure you he is doing his best to destroy California and the united states of America. Yeah she is a typical politician in that what she says has no correlation to what she actually does. Look at what they actually do and never listen to what they say.

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Dear Mr. Adam Ruff, You wrote (paraphrased): "Somebody studied at a certain school, which immediately makes them unworthy. No need to look any further. Stop. Move right along, folks!"

And did she really "study under Klause Schwab", having attended lots of lectures and classes personally taught by Prof. Schwab, and independent study/thesis with Dr. Schwab as the principal advisor? Or was the "Klause Schwab" brand-name just flung around as a marketing tool to lure investors and students, but his duties were more "on paper" than "with students"? I don't know, but given that you are prone to over-exaggeration, important questions to give context.

Where it rings my deja vu bell is its parallelism in thought to the old canard: "So-and-so is disinfo, so we can stop right there; no need to be smelling anyone's book's crack for nuggets of truth that remain." In the realm of 9/11 the closer the source was to a government agency or to a "consensus" truth by an infiltrated protest group, the higher the likelihood that its promoted premise was disinformation and a limited hang-out.

P.S. I've got a brand-new version of my 9/11 hobby-horse premise on my blog. Be sure to look for the Easter Eggs in the reference notes. This very article was submitted to a journal on 9/11 studies. Given that Chandler/Coste are contributors, I doubt they'll publish it. It's only 2.2k words... before reference notes are expanded.

SPOILER ALERT! Dr. Jones gets spanked twice in the reference notes, but Dr. Wood and Dr. Sunder only once each.



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Don't paraphrase me Maxwell. Quote me directly or don't even attempt to claim I said what you are claiming I said. Your "version" of what I said is dishonest and distorted as usual.

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Mr. Adam Ruff wrote: "Tulsi Gabbard went to the WEF school and studied under Klause Schwab which is all we really need to know about her isn't it?"

Why is that "all we really need to know"? Mr. Ruff doesn't elaborate. Why? Because he doesn't know. He doesn't know what "WEF" is, nor does he know what "Klause Schwab" taught or was known for or what Ms. Gabbard got out of it.

If he did know, he would have substantiated is hot-air, blow-hard statements.

This is similar to Mr. Ruff's super-powers of knowing what a comment says or what a book says without reading them, and in fact, these powers are enhanced by BRAGGING about not reading them.

[Watch and learn, grasshopper, where I predict that Mr. Ruff will follow this comment with more bragging about NOT reading it yet knowing what it says.]

Dishonesty is writing publicly that you have in the past debunked some premise thoroughly and written most excellent words in that effort, yet not being able to provide URL's for where it transpired or even copy-and-paste from locally saved versions those wonderful reasoned arguments.


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I do not think you are a genuine truth seeker Maxwell in fact I believe you are quite the opposite. You are consistently antagonistic, arrogant, and condescending to the extreme. I have no obligation to spend any time whatsoever talking to you. If you don't like what I said about Gabbard then good for you, I don't care. I blocked you on facebook for a reason and I am going to find out what I need to do to block you here on this platform. Whatever your real agenda is I want no part of it. I think you are at the very least a stalker at worst a government agent assigned to some very nefarious detail involving psyops. Get lost, I do not acknowledge your existence from this point on. You are entirely negative in your influence and I do not wish to participate in your little games. So if I am unable to block you I am going to just ignore anything and everything you say from here on out. You are unwelcome near me and I do not wish to ever speak to you again.

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Dear Mr. Adam Ruff, Please educate me on how being "consistently antagonistic, arrogant, and condescending to the extreme" somehow makes me any less of a genuine truth seeker. Unless I'm missing something that you're prepared to back-up, there is no mutual-exclusivity between traits of my online persona and being "a genuine truth seeker."

You're annoyed because you are unwilling to learn, grow, and evolve. As for being genuine, my online persona is orders of magnitude more genuine than yours (and those you've donned in the past). Case in point, I've got the receipts of past discussions about some report or book that you were all too happy to chime into with negative thoughts and energy (and very little substantiation) along with you bragging about NOT READING the things that anchored the discussion (e.g., Dr. Andre Gsponer, Kevin Ryan, Dr. Judy Wood).

Blocking me on Facebook was an extension of that inferiority that has you sink more and more compared to me, making it impossible for consistent me to not suddenly become above you and have to condescend down to you. Not me snobbishly rising above you in arrogance, but you sinking weasely and hypocritically below my level. I tried treat you as an equal on my superior level, and you get offended at looking at my nose-hairs.

One of things that you do is brag about debunking certain premises that you can't quote yourself about or cough up URL's to source. Why? I think the reasons are two-fold. One, you didn't do it under a consistent name (e.g., Adam Ruff) that you could take credit for, thinking your sockpuppetry so superior. Two, even what the sockpuppet wrote, that in your mind was against those premises, was insufficient and inadequate in every way, and it was probably me who put holes into the weak-ass debunkery.

If I'm a government agent, I'm a bad one. I've got legacy, which no agent wants. You should know, Mr. Ruff, because you have no legacy, not even unspunnewz anymore -- with the possible exceptions of the sockpuppets that you can't yet associate yourself with.

Indeed, I have issues with you personally for your game playing. But more importantly, for the very bad advice that you offer Mr. Craig McKee that you somehow have him conned into believing is good advice, to the point where he lauds your efforts erroneously.

You're right; I have been consistent. In my research vector, in my understanding vector, in my evolution vector. If the evidence and analysis didn't point to nuclear means, I would have sung a different tune. But I'm consistent in my search for truth.

Go read the new version of my "Neu Nookiedoo-doo" premise on my substack (link above).

And let the latter-day lurker readers discover on their own the stamped and validated receipts -- collected more than half a decade ago yet still somehow valid as character assessments today -- of you being less than genuine and a hypocrite.

Nothing says "I've forfeit the debate (for truth)" better than blocking.


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Gabbard has strong ties, including financial, to India's outright fascist prime minister Modi, who backs Israel's genocide campaign, and who has pushed corporate takeover of India's agriculture against the intense opposition of small farmers, who organized massive demonstrations in the nation.


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I hadn't seen that. I've learned a lot from the comments here about Gabbard. And I appreciate it.

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Here's another, from 2016, how she rebuffed media questions about her support of Obama's "Pivot to Asia" en masse movement of military assets to the Pacific.


The U.S. Is Militarizing the Pacific — and Not Taking Questions, John Letman, 3/30/16.

"Based on the island of Oahu, USPACOM claims the Asia-Pacific as its “area of responsibility.” Home to 36 nations — and more than half the world’s population — the region stretches, in the words of top military brass, “from Bollywood to Hollywood and penguins to polar bears.”

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