Thanks for all your efforts and writings, Craig. And Thanks for waking me up about a coupla other things I never would have imagined.

I am not going to dive down every rabbit-hole the self-professed hard-core truthers tell me to, I just want the truth out, and the easiest most provable thing is that the 9/11 Official Story is/was a hoax. Provable on so many levels.

I have learned to spot the trolls [comment not directed at the RevisioNIST] - when they act in repeated patterns - of nonsense, and it is dismaying to come to the realization that there are so many people of ill-intent - but come what may, their way. We reap what we sow.

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Dear Mr McKee

What is rather strange to see is just how little AE911, Richard Gage and all the poo-ba organisations have achieved the last two decades, except for extorting vast amounts of money from their over trusting followers and as you are well aware, the "explosive" evidence of "molten metal or thermite" has never been filed against NIST for correction, or filed in any case against NIST's 23 subcontractors.

The scientists that has taken legal steps, are the scientists you ridicule and don't want mentioned at all and NONE of you have EVER had the balls to have an honest discussion of the evidence presented by these scientists.

Could it be, that once you enter into such a discussion, your grift will be exposed?

Many have now woken up to the disingenuousness of the so called 9/11 "truth" movement and what charlatans they are and I just want to know how such distractors can look themselves in the mirror and manage to sleep at night?

Read this article and see Richard Gage exposed in 2023 for the limited hangout he is:

The molecular dissociation of the thermite & nuke theories

People are so easily led by perceived "experts".

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite

And then let's also disregard Prof David E. Hughes peer reviewed paper from 2020, which you also run away from...

9/11 Truth and the Silence of the IR Discipline

Given the massive amount of evidence calling the official "9/11" narrative into question, why won't academia ask any critical questions?

Read the paper here: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/911-truth-and-the-silence-of-the

Prof David A. Hughes – An 1h Presentation of irrefutable 9/11 evidence in 2024

There are three key layers to perception management:

(i) the official narrative,

(ii) the official approved alternative narrative, and

(iii) the truth.

Presentation: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/in-defence-of-judy-wood

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