Eat your Matrix steak or else!
‘Inclusion’ and 'safe spaces' are now happy-face stickers covering up censorship, authoritarianism, and incessant virtue signaling
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. – George Orwell
By Craig McKee
The world has never seemed crazier than it does right now.
Up is down. Lies are truth. And speech is dangerous.
The “we’re-living-in-the-Matrix” metaphor may seem a bit old hat almost a quarter century after Neo first followed the white rabbit, but it still hits the nail right on the head as far as I’m concerned. We do indeed live in a false reality. And it’s getting falser all the time.
The idea that our perception of “reality” is being engineered by largely unseen “powers that be” is not a new one. Remember when they had us convinced that Muslim extremists were going to murder us all? That little lie led to actual mass murder on a truly frightening scale. But the real killers weren’t from Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria, they were directing the killing from comfortable offices in Washington, Tel Aviv, London, and Paris. And don’t leave out Ottawa – we deserve part of the credit for destroying Libya! (Here’s a deep thought: I wonder how people whose families were wiped out by American drone bombers feel about the concept of “micro-aggressions.”)
Weird, isn’t it, how those crazy Muslims – who (we’re told) showed such skill in knocking down three buildings (with two planes!) and eluding the U.S. “defense” machine – have stopped being a threat. Perhaps that happened when they started working as mercenaries in the U.S.-directed invasion of Syria. Or was it Libya? Or… (After all, one does have to go where the money is…)
Could it be that the “terrorists” and those claiming to fight them have always been in bed together? Is it obvious yet that the War on Terror was always a War of Terror?
But that’s old news. The insanity we lived through then has nothing on today’s braver new world. The last three plus years have seen the insanity jumping to warp speed. We now see levels of censorship, authoritarianism, indoctrination, and intellectual bullying that many of us wouldn’t have imagined possible at one time (except perhaps in a Jennifer Lawrence movie).
Entry-level divide-and-conquer has given way to the master-class variety. These tactics are being employed by the elites to keep us all woke… I mean weak… and compliant. The age of inclusion is excluding so many of us that our irony detectors are having trouble keeping up.
Orwell’s quote at the top of this article pretty much sums up what will be a recurring theme in Thought Crimes and Misdemeanors. This new vehicle won’t replace my longtime blog, Truth and Shadows; rather it will complement it. While the latter site, which I founded in 2010, focuses on false flags, cointelpro, and other deep state deceptions (with an emphasis on detailed evidence and analysis), posts on TC and M will be more immediate and at times more personal. They’ll also be more compact and more frequent, offering a broader range of angles from which to view our nutty world. While there might be a slight difference in approach between the two, the underlying perspectives and principles will be very much the same.
From time to time, I’ll dip into my past journalistic incarnations for stories of encounters with musicians, actors, directors, and even a prime minister or two. (I have one story that features a world-famous singer and a prime minister, so you won’t want to miss that!) Some of these stories may get the full article treatment while others may just be brief addendums to pieces on more substantial topics. Think of these additions as dessert after you’ve absorbed a heaping helping of my meatier wisdom.
How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?
But dessert will have to wait this time. For now, let’s get back to my plan to serve up a steady diet of cerebral disobedience. Of course, in a sane world my points of view would not be “thought crimes” – even of the tongue-in-cheek variety. But the world today appears to be anything but rational. Call me a “conspiracy kook” if you must (please picture me sighing while I press the back of my right wrist against my forehead), but I think the lunacy is being provoked to sow division, with the ultimate objective being control.
Unfortunately, human beings seem to be awfully susceptible to being manipulated. In fact, we seem to embrace having the world pulled over our eyes (you can never have too many Matrix references). It’s up to those of us who are both capable of critical thought and willing to use it to expose what is being done to all of us.
The story is already well under way, but this is just the beginning for Thought Crimes and Misdemeanors. I hope you’ll be my partners for many thought crimes to come.
Good read, Craig. As is the case with 9/11, I remain torn between shit happens and it's all planned, but confess that almost four years of Coronamania has nudged me slightly towards the planned side. However, I continue to read smart people across the spectrum able to support their theories with data and evidence, and I find you remain one of the good guys.
Nice blog, Craig. Looking forward to reading more.