Did a COINTELPRO agent just reveal himself by mistake? Or was he ‘joking’?
Official story supporter posts comment suggesting "continued assignment to McKee for now" and calls Adam Ruff "a possible target as easily provoked"
By Craig McKee
I’ve been swatting away banal comments on Facebook from 9/11 official story supporter Colin Doran for most of the past decade. He doesn’t usually argue evidence, except in very broad and unspecific ways; rather he just writes 9/11 truth activists off by accusing them of being “illogical” or “irrational.”
I debated him on the Pentagon in November 2017 on Andy Steele’s AE911Truth podcast 9/11 Free Fall. I think I won that handily, but of course I had an advantage; he had to argue for the ridiculous official story. I didn’t envy him that.
I have long suspected (assumed?) that Doran is a government agent who has been assigned to the 9/11 Truth Movement. In fact, I often refer to him on Facebook as “Agent Doran” when I’m responding to him. (And before the “unity police” give me a ticket for incivility, I’d point out that shills for the official story are fair game.)
It just never seemed believable to me that someone who believes the official story would spend years arguing with truthers. If you think a group of people are kooks, why devote all that energy to them? Why not just ignore us? In fact, Doran is the only official story supporter I run across who continues to battle with truthers on a regular basis after all these years.
Recently, Doran did something that one might suspect confirms his real purpose. He posted a comment to Sandra Jelmi (if you read my Feb. 6 post about hers and Gene Laratonda’s vicious attacks on me and AE911Truth, you’ll know who she is) in which he lobbed a few of his usual pointless shots at me and 9/11 truth. But there was a paragraph at the bottom that seemed to have been included by mistake. I include a screen shot of the comment here but I’ll also quote it directly. How you see it here is exactly how it appears in the comment (note the S missing in “Suggest”):
]&*$%£ uggest continued assignment to McKee for now. Ruff other possible target as easily provoked. Report 78341K as usual, not via Ron as not available atm. Will message Kyle with previous report.
“Suggest continued assignment to McKee for now.” What does that sound like to you? It can only mean one of two things – either Doran accidentally pasted in part of a message from him or to him that is recommending that an agent continue to be assigned to me OR he has suddenly developed a very dry sense of humor. I have shown this message to a number of people, including some outside the Truth Movement, and no one sees this as a joke. Anyone reading this can draw their own conclusions.
And, “Ruff other possible target as easily provoked.” This is a reference to my fellow Pentagon researcher and good friend Adam Ruff. I don’t think Adam is easily provoked, but he is more than willing to be blunt in calling out BS. Add to this the reference to reports and the two contacts, Ron and Kyle.

Doran now claims (predictably) that it was all a joke to see how I would react. He now claims that “Ron” and “Kyle” are two members of his family who just happen not to be on Facebook “much.” This just made his story sound even less believable.
When I asked him directly on Facebook about his comment, he responded:
It was a joke. Being constantly accused of being 'an agent' by you I thought I'd see what your reaction would be if I put some 'suspicious' looking text in the comment. I actually did something similar years ago on pilots for truth and they just commented on it but didn't react much to it. When you say it was very specific.. you mean convincing. That was the idea, make it seem convincing by putting in specific sounding details. And the other names Doran... family members and extended family, most of whom hardly ever use or post anything on Facebook.
Most of whom? Most of the two people?
Doran is described by Steele in the introduction to our debate as being from Ireland and as having worked in aviation. Meanwhile, his Facebook profile states that he is from Moscow, Russia, but that he lives in Quito, Ecuador. No mention of Ireland at all. I realized that these details don’t necessarily mean anything, but I think they’re worth noting.
He is listed as being “Chief Donut Dunker at Dunkin' Donut,” which I can only assume is a joke, although an odd one.
Doran has 24 Facebook friends. That’s practically nothing for someone who has been active on the platform for years. He has posted seven photos, all of them in 2012. Not a single photo in the last 12 years. Only two of these photos are of him. He lists two movies he has watched: Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia and Ice Station Zebra. Both were posted 11 years ago. One TV show watched: the weather forecast, 11 years ago. One book read: The Hobbit, 11 years ago. He also lists one event: a 2016 AE911Truth webinar about Building 7.
I’m also intrigued by the fact that in October 2020, Doran posted a YouTube video on Facebook, made by David Chandler, that argues for the official story position that American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. Being an official story supporter, Doran agrees with Chandler about this. And yet, in the video, Chandler mentions his support for the World Trade Center controlled demolition position advanced by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and supported by most truthers.
Why would someone who supports the official story want to push Chandler’s work? I’ll let the reader mull that one over.
But let’s get into Doran’s family…
Among his 24 friends on Facebook, four share his last name. We have Mark Doran, who lives in Richmond, Virginia, and who has 69 friends. His last post (at least that I can see) was a change of profile picture in 2016. He has a total of three photos posted.
Then there is Alan Doran, who looks a lot like Mark. He has three friends and no new posts since 2016, same as Mark. Colin and Mark are two of his three friends. And just one photo other than his profile pic. No personal information apart from that.
There is also Chris Doran. He has 13 friends. Alan Doran isn’t one of them. The bulk of posts on his page are people wishing him a happy birthday. There are posts from March 1 this year as well as in other years going back to 2018. He has three photos posted, none that feature people. There is no personal information of any kind on his page.
Then there is an outlier: Aisling Doran, who lives in Bray, Ireland. She does not reveal how many friends she has on Facebook, but she has posted a few dozen photos. She is listed among Colin’s and Mark’s friends but not Alan’s or Chris’s. If this identity is real, she appears to be a woman in her 20s. Under “check-ins” Aisling lists four establishments in Edinburgh, UK, that she visited in 2014. If this is a fake profile, then at least a bit more effort went into photos.
These profiles (with the possible exception of Aisling) seem fake whether or not these people actually exist. I don’t know if some claim can be made that more personal details are revealed only to their Facebook friends.
So, my dear readers, I’ll let you judge for yourselves whether Colin Doran is creative enough to put together a “joke” like this or whether he is an agent who fumbled the ball with some sloppy copying and pasting.
There is one thing that sets Doran apart from most of the likely agents that I know: he doesn’t pretend to be a truther…
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Thank you for this, Craig.
The ending of your article of course hints to the much more dangerous agents of the "cognitive infiltration" operations that are constantly being levelled against the Truth Movement. They are agents who pretend to be Truthers, and who engage either in disorienting our people, or discrediting us "from within", or fermenting fights among us. I marvel at the patience you've invested in confronting some of them!
I'd also add that these campaigns of "cognitive infiltration" against us are not new; they were not invented by Cass Sunstein and company, as is often thought, but he actually copied and abstractified these tactics from the FBI/CIA Cointelpro operations from decades ago (mindf*ck operations against both the revolutionary and the reformist branches of the Liberation Movement in the sixties-seventies within the US); he then upgraded the concept for the new era. Now in the digitalized world some of those operations are a lot easier for those in power. The type of "cognitive infiltration" operations they launched against the Truth Movement helped them refine the method, and it was used extensively against the dissident Truth Movement during the three year-long global Hygiene Dictatorship of 2020-2022, and now against those of us who are struggling for the Truth about the US/NATO war in Ukraine and the Truth about the genocidal slaughter of Palestine to prevail.
It's a long dark and uphill road...
Seems like some obvious clues to him being an agent. There are SO MANY these days!